How Present Have You Been?
2024 has been another turbulent year, but if there’s one thing this year has taught us, it’s the importance of being PRESENT.
Like you, we run our own business.
And, like a lot of you, we are a family business.
Add in the mix of virtual group and 1:1 meetings, an expanding partnership, quarterly client board meetings, Masterminds, networking meetings, kit manager for the local football community (60+ teams!), teenage twins, and a Springer Spaniel, it can sometimes feel overwhelming and a juggling act.
BUT...The challenge is, there’s NO such thing as multi-tasking!
Let me say that again…there’s NO such thing as multi-tasking and you can only land one plane at a time.
So, how do you go about this without working 24/7, getting stressed and overwhelmed?
There’s no easy answer, but one that has made a massive difference to us, is that of Being Present...
Whether I’m working ON the business, IN the business, Head of I.T. when Fortnite is ‘glitching’ or being the Uber driver for the kids growing list of sporting commitments, I make sure I’m only focusing on that ONE thing.
For example:
I helped Nigel Botterill with two x ten-hour Masterminds a few weeks back. I explained to everyone at home, and to our Slack Community, that I’d be ‘out’ for those days, which meant I could focus 100% on listening, challenging, and providing as much value to those business owners in that room.
When I’m focussing on Money Future activities (i.e., developing the business for tomorrow), I set aside specific time and focus on one area that will move our business from A to B to reach our future goals.
If I’m ferrying the kids to their various sports fixtures, I make sure I stay and watch their sessions (often in the rain), rather than sat in a warm car checking my emails.
When I’m focussing on Money Now – activities that drive our revenue today – I have allocated slots in my diary that our clients can access and book, and I focus all my energies on those calls safe in the knowledge that I’m not distracted elsewhere.
When we have our family meals, I’ll make sure I am 100% present and not distracted by the football results on my phone (this is helped by the kids reminding me of “no devices at the table”!).
So, this week, STOP trying to multi-task (because you’ll fail) and focus on being present, being aware. This can many things, it’s not just about being in the same room. Here’s some ways to help you, and those around you, be present in your business:
Become aware of how you impact others, as well as how you’re impacted by others.
Create the right environment including a culture and process for open, honest feedback.
Start listening, stop telling. Telling leaves people feeling you’ve given them all of your burdens but taken none of theirs off their shoulders.
Replace bad habits with positive ones (by bad habits I mean procrastination, not letting go, not making decisions, getting distracted by shiny new things…).
Stimulate conversations with questions to engage others and allow your team the opportunity to challenge and learn.
Communicate to your team on a regular basis how you expect them to think, act and behave.
Finally, give yourself a break and be kind to yourself! You’re only human and right now a lot is being asked of you.
Understanding and executing these will help deliver the results without the stress or burden of being stuck in an environment of chaos.
Today is a gift and that’s why it is called the present….
Finally, this week, do some honest reflection – how present have you really been this year? What can you stop doing / do more of to be present in 2025?
Martin Norbury
Investor | Business Mentor at Advocate | Author of I don’t work Fridays