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When Did You Last Look Back?

When Did You Last Look Back?

September 24, 20242 min read

When Did You Last Look Back?

The other week, I was invited to Ideas Fest to go on stage and be interviewed by Daniel Priestley about my publishing journey.  Daniel’s built and sold businesses in Australia, Singapore, and the UK, and is Founder of Dent Global, one of the world’s top business accelerators for entrepreneurs to stand out and scale up.

He also wrote the foreword to my first book, I don’t work Fridays, so I knew he’d have some great questions lined up for me!

The week before, I allocated time to do some preparation (how you do anything, is how you do everything!), and I put together a timeline of developments and achievements since publishing I don’t work Fridays back in 2016.

Don’t worry, I’m not going to list them all here!  My point today is that Jacki and I were astounded and proud to see not only how much the book had accomplished in terms of global sales, testimonials and reviews, press coverage, and raising money for charity; but also, how much we had pivoted and scaled in this time.

It’s great to keep going, keep pushing, but we often forget to recognise and applaud milestones, and the challenges encountered along the way.  Looking back can help you move forwards.

However big or small; you must take time out to recognise and celebrate with yourself and your team and appreciate the impacts you’ve made for your customers, marketplace, team, and communities.

As Howard Schultz said (he took charge of Starbucks in the 1980s and turned a regional coffee company into one of the world's top brands):

“Success is best when it’s shared.”



PS – thanks to everyone who has purchased a copy over the years to help their business; until I went back to prep for my interview, I’d forgotten that, on average, I don’t work Fridays spent its first 365 days in the Top 20 of its Kindle category, which is actually a very cool stat!

Martin Norbury

Investor | Business Mentor at Advocate | Author of I don’t work Fridays

Owner / Founder / Investor / Mentor

Martin Norbury

Owner / Founder / Investor / Mentor

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