Blog Posts

What Is YOUR Thing?

What Is YOUR Thing?

October 22, 20242 min read

What Is YOUR Thing?

Our twins are thirteen later this week, (Lily one whole minute older than James), and as well as a day of celebrating with friends & family, it’s a reminder of WHY we do, what we do

  • WHY do we have a zillion ideas racing around our heads?

  • WHY do we constantly try and solve problems for everyone?

  • WHY do we jump out of bed at stupid o-clock to crack on with the day?

  • WHY do we see the possible when others see the impossible?

It’s vital to keep reminding ourselves of our personal WHY…

Why did you leave your safety net, swallow that bravery pill, and set-up your business in the first place?

Why did you keep going (and going) whilst others around you asked when you’d get a ‘proper job’ again?

I’m sure you have your thing that keeps you going on those days when a client rips into you, a supplier lets you down, or a team member makes that mistake again!

But we take stock, focus on our thing, and go again.

As business owners, we’re fortunate to do what we do…

And because of this, we’re able to run our business and live our life on our T.E.R.M.S.

Still to this day, I don’t work Fridays, Wednesday afternoons, or weekends.

Of course, there’s the odd time when I make an exception, but it must be a special reason as my thing, my WHY, is my family.

I’ve found there’s nothing that can really happen in my business day, week, month that will deter me from providing what I can for those four people and that is what drives me on, but also ensures that I spend quality time with them all.

So, what is YOUR thing?

What keeps you focused when you have had a bad day?

What drives you forward?

Why do you do what you do?



Martin Norbury

Investor | Business Mentor at Advocate | Author of I don’t work Fridays


Owner / Founder / Investor / Mentor

Martin Norbury

Owner / Founder / Investor / Mentor

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