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Stop multitasking!

Stop multitasking!

February 06, 20242 min read

Stop Multitasking!

As entrepreneurs we love being busy, rolling up our sleeves, constantly seeking new opportunities, learning new “stuff”, challenging the status quo ... and more often than not all at the same time! 

BUT our brains are NOT set-up to multitask.  We’re designed to be ‘monotaskers’ – to focus on and complete ONE task at a time.

Let me give you an example....

Have you ever tried to catch a rabbit? 

I used to spend the school holidays at my grandparents in Somerset and would often spot a little greyish-brown rabbit, twitching away in the grass.

So small. Easy to catch, surely?

I’d get so far, then it’s long ears would detect me, and its powerful hind legs would kick into action. Once, I managed a few deft moves, and my fingertips touched its soft fur. But I never caught one.

Imagine trying to catch two rabbits at once? Impossible!

What do you do when the two rabbits separate and go different directions? 

If you’re following one in preference to the other, you’ll simply be ignoring the other.

If you’re still trying to catch both at the same time, the tendency is to try to follow both, and split the difference between their paths. Now you’re running straight when one went left, the other right.

Chasing both rabbits simply means you lose both.

And the same goes for business.

Various studies have confirmed that multitasking is a MYTH!

People that think they can split their attention between multiple tasks at once aren’t getting more done...

They’re getting LESS done because they’re not focussing on doing one thing, well. They’re less efficient and more prone to making mistakes. 

If you’re in the habit of multitasking, or know someone in your team that is, here are 5 ways to break the habit and become more productive:

1.     Be Realistic and land ONE plane at a time.

2.     Focus on the ‘important’ and STOP getting distracted by the ‘urgent’.

3.     Stop Interruptions – produce a manual (for “I don’t know how to...”), give or up the level of authority (for “I’m not allowed to ...”), or find ways to give your team praise and attention (to stop the “I need stroking” interruptions).

4.     Learn Lessons by noting them down in a log, and allocating who is accountable for solving each one.

5.     Get constant feedback on the things you need to STOP doing, START doing, or CONTINUE doing.

Allocate 90 minutes a day focusing on the above and making them daily habits in your business. 

You’ll be surprised by the results to both your business and to how you and your team start feeling.



Martin Norbury

Investor | Business Mentor at Advocate | Author of I don’t work Fridays

Stop multitasking

Owner / Founder / Investor / Mentor

Martin Norbury

Owner / Founder / Investor / Mentor

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