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Do You Have A Business Or A Job?

Do You Have A Business Or A Job?

October 08, 20242 min read

Do You Have A Business Or A Job?

If I asked you what delivers the results in your business, I’d be interested to know your answer...

You see, when I recently asked a room full of business owners, the majority replied with: “People”.

But I’d argue that in order to grow a business, you need to let the System deliver the result, NOT the People.

Many businesses today are able to survive on talent and talent alone, but all they can ever do is just survive.  

Don’t get me wrong, people are a VITAL factor in any business, BUT it is the System which will get the BEST out of them.

The System is the difference between a business which is being run haphazardly, with no direction and little more than hope to guide its sails - and a structured, planned, perfected and well-executed success model.

If your business is always bespoke, always requires YOU to be involved, and is never systemised, then you don’t have a business, you have a job.

If this sounds a little like you, but the thought of systemising fills you with dread, break it down into these milestones:

  • Work out exactly what makes your business work.

  • Document this into processes.

  • Identify areas you can delegate or outsource.

  • Communicate with your team so everyone knows their role in the process, and what their 100% looks like. Remember...people are essential, but it is the system which will get the best out of them.

  • Set-up a few key measures that will Alert you before there is a problem.

  • Review and improve.

You can then focus YOUR energy and time on those areas that will make the biggest difference in your business.

If you’re not quite sure about the benefits of systemisation, or how to implement in your business, then head on over to our Podcast channel where every single guest is asked how they have gone about systemising >



Martin Norbury

Investor | Business Mentor at Advocate | Author of I don’t work Fridays


Owner / Founder / Investor / Mentor

Martin Norbury

Owner / Founder / Investor / Mentor

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