Create A Business That Successfully Runs Whether You Turn Up Or Not!

At Advocate Business Services™ we help entrepreneurs, business owners and senior executives to think, act and behave differently to their competitors to consistently produce superior results. In fact, clients refer to us as their business enzyme: by adding us to their mix we’ve helped them accelerate their ambitious business growth and fall deeply back in love with their business all over again. The ultimate end result: we help business owners create a business that successfully runs whether they turn up or not!

Our Services

One of the core problems we've always had is knowing that when we work with someone, they are going to have results…   But ensuring that we can do it in a way that is both helpful, effective, and leveraged.   When we work with someone 1-on-1, the investment has been £40,000+. For most business owners, this isn’t always the best use of their finances based on where they are in the business, yet many Entrepreneurs still want to work with us. And we’ve always been struck with a moral compass issue because the last thing we want to do is have you hire us and then we tell you that you can’t afford us.  

Which is why we've developed a dedicated Advocate Mentoring Program to help have a middle ground while giving you everything you need.   This is a rare and exciting experience for anyone who is able to obtain access to our mentorship, community, and our help to get into that position to start scaling your business to the next level.   Ultimately, to help you create a business that successfully runs whether you turn up or not.

It works like this...

1). If we’re a good fit, we will let you know that we can accept you into this program.  

2). You’ll complete our unique Fix Build Sell Survey which shows whether your business is in Fix, Build or Sell Mode, and key areas that need priority focus.  

3). You'll have a 1:1 Initial Strategy Session with Martin Norbury to get clear on your Business Model, and what you want out of the business.  

4). You’ll join our Slack Community with other business owners like to cultivate community, celebrate wins, and get support.  

5). You’ll be invited to Weekly Group Live Q&A Calls that focus on building, optimising, and accelerating your business, as well as general business discussions.  

In total…You’re getting everything you need.  

The ability to have Clarity…

The right Plan…


Personalised Planning…



And the ability to ask to ensure you’re making the right choices at the right time.  

This is a really unique experience.   We’ve been working with entrepreneurs across 70+ different industry sectors. Those Entrepreneurs have had massive results.   And because this is not a cookie cutter experience and you get YOUR plan; this works no matter where you are, how long you’ve been in business, what size you are, what sector you’re in.

1:1 Strategy Call & Weekly Group Calls with Martin Norbury

Advice that makes you feel uncomfortable is usually the best advice you can get! We're not nodding dogs and we do hold up the mirror, but it's our experience that tough love gets you results. You'll come away from your 1:1 Strategy Call with Martin with more clarity on what you really want from your business, and what you're prepared to do to get that. You'll then join like-minded business owners for live Weekly Calls that cover off specific challenges, opportunities, questions and key topics that will help you focus on your plan.

Monthly 1:1 Calls with Martin Norbury

In addition to the above, we offer a Monthly 1:1 Call with Martin. We find that unless you have someone to hold you to account, and to help you focus on you, then you'll simply drift back into old habits and get stuck in the weeds, working IN the business and firefighting the day-to-day.

"Martin gives us the boost and focus we need to drive the business forward. Its helpful to have a third party valued opinion which encourages us to think differently." – Sunny

Quarterly Board Meetings with Martin Norbury

Martin runs Quarterly Board Meetings with a handful of private clients helping set strategies, review progress against targets, plan exits and set accountability. These are either via Zoom or in person at Home Grown Club in London.

"Building on past quarters, Martin has guided us through another step forward on the business journey. I appreciate having this structure and path for the future." – James

Mastermind with Martin Norbury (invitation only)

Martin is uniquely placed to bring BIG business thinking to the SME world. As a former CEO at a multinational corporation, he turned a loss of £250k per month to celebrating its first £1 of profit in just a matter of months. Martin has mentored over 15 Mastermind groups and 130 plus businesses, and runs his own Mastermind with a handful of ambitious, driven business owners.

"I had my best night’s sleep in months! There’s lots of hard work but I’m now feeling stoked instead of agonised." - Sam

Exit Strategy, Planning & Execution

As well as setting up his own businesses and going onto successfully exiting and selling it (twice over!), Martin Norbury has helped businesses during their journey to either Exit for multiple 7 figures, or exit their time so they can focus on other opportunities. Whether you want to Exit your time to step back and pursue other interests / hobbies, Exit to Expand, or Exit for that big pay day to sail off into the sunset, then we can help.

"Anyone who wants to achieve multi-millionaire status must go for a Scaled system and a business that can be sold. That’s what you helped us achieve Martin, so, thank you very much." - Glenn, former business owner

'I don't work Fridays' by Martin Norbury

The Amazon #1 bestselling book I don't work Fridays by Martin Norbury is the roadmap to setting your business up to run whether you turn up or not. His book shares a story of successful start-ups, multi-million pound rescues and family tragedy before focusing on the practical 'how-to' for you so you can take the steps needed to take your business from where it is now into multiples of profit.

“I can see this book sparking a movement of business owners who take Friday off!” – Daniel Priestley (Foreword)

'Your Million Pound Masterplan' by Nigel Botterill and Martin Norbury

If you think back to the day you started your business, you had a dream, a goal, a purpose. Maybe it was about the money, or the flexibility, or doing something worthy but the fact is, that somewhere between their first day in business and today, most business owners have compromised or lost sight of their goal.

This book is based on our Advocate 9 Step Fix Build Sell Blueprint, and will re-connect you with your goal. More importantly, it will help you to achieve it; to live life on what we call your T.E.R.M.S.

Most business owners are 'Wannabees'. They're enthusiastic amateurs when it comes to building a truly successful business. This book can make you a Professional Business Owner, with a set of skills and understanding that will serve you for life. Anyone can set-up a business - but it's how you THINK and what you DO that will determine your success. The Masterplan gives you both.

Fix Build Sell Survey

The default position of any business is death, and our challenge is to keep it going, keep it alive, and in the right gear, making sure we change gear at the right time. We know why 96% of businesses never get past a certain point, and we also know how to fix that. In less than 5 minutes you will know what could be holding you back, simply take our FREE Fix, Build, Sell Survey by clicking the button below.

Speaker Opportunities

Martin is a sought-after speaker. As well as helping business owners exit for £Millions, he’s indirectly impacted hundreds of transformations of people’s lives, health, and relationships. It's not just about ROI, it’s about ROT (Return on Time). Mindset, and how you think, act, and behave is crucial so as a fully qualified Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® Master Practitioner, Martin can help you and your team understand one another and work together to focus on one shared vision.

"Everyone needs a Martin Norbury in their business! What a tremendously knowledgable and accomplished business man. Inspiring stuff." - Charlie


Tom, Business Owner, Education Sector

Daniel, Business Owner, International Property Sector

Business Owners

Business Owners

"The help I've received has completely exceeded my expectations. When I signed up for the mentorship, I was hoping for a bit of guidance but what I've received is much deeper than that and it's made me think completely differently about my business and how I approach things."

Phillip, Business Owner, Energy Sector

"Just back from my first holiday in 16 years where I didn’t check any work emails. My wife really appreciated it."

Peter, Business Owner, Pharmaceutical Sector

Emma, Business Owner, Outsourcing Sector

Richard, Business Owner, Media Sector

Mark, Family Business Owner, Estate Agency Sector

Nina, Business Owner, Wellbeing & Healthcare Sector

"It’s like Martin goes into brain surgery mode donning the blue lab coat to drill down and be specific to your challenge."

Laura, Business Owner, Digital Sector

"I had my best night’s sleep in months! There’s lots of hard work but I’m now feeling stoked instead of agonised."

Sam, Business Owner, Procurement Sector


After a family tragedy in 2010, Martin left his role as CEO at a plc and set-up his own business with one aim - to help business owners choose their tomorrow (whatever that looked like for them). His wife, Jacki, also left corporate life and joined the family business in 2014. They are uniquely placed to bring big business thinking to the SME world, as well as understand the opportunities, challenges and pressures when it comes to running a family business!

Martin Norbury

Martin set-up Advocate Business Services over ten years ago to help business owners choose what they do with their tomorrow. His passion to help entrepreneurs achieve their success was the ultimate driver behind his #1 Amazon Bestseller I don’t work Fridays.

He set-up his own business in 1991 using a little bit of office space lent to him by some friends, which despite not having a purpose, went on to successfully exit and sell (twice over).

Many years later he generated some impressive results as CEO at a plc, turning a loss of £250k per month to celebrating its first £1 of profit in just a matter of months.  

Martin took these learnings to create his unique SCALE Model to openly share and transfer to others; it's a framework for how to rapidly grow a business enabling an exit and it has earned companies £Millions.  

Martin is a multi-award winner including: Britain’s Top 10 Business Adviser 2018, Top 25 Champion of Entrepreneurship in Smith & Williamson Power 100, and APCTC Business Mentor of the Year 2015.

Jacki Norbury

Jacki has over 25 years’ strategic & tactical marketing experience from multinational corporations, through to small businesses. During that time she's held senior positions in Marketing, PR, Branding, Communications, Corporate Responsibility and Product Management.

In 2014, Jacki joined Martin to become a husband and wife team as Co-Director of Advocate Business Services, and since then has helped business owners Fix, Build & Sell in order to have more time and money.

With a strong background in Corporate Responsibility, Jacki manages Advocate's partner and community programs with Yateley Silverbacks, Camberley Town Youth Football Club and Sands.

High Frequency Fridays Podcast

Welcome to our High Frequency Fridays Podcast hosted by Martin Norbury . Our mantra is to always look for learning, so we’re on a mission to chat with business owners and leaders that have faced challenges, to share their stories, and delve really deep into their mindset. Business is a numbers game, played by a team, so we hook up with coaches & leaders from the sporting world too.

With over 30 episodes, guests from the business world include Marcus Sheridan, Lucy McCarraher, John Warrillow, John Spence, Sian Millar, Jean-Pierre De Villiers, Phil M Jones, Kate Lester, Paul Dunn, Jeremy Harbour, Nigel Botterill, Dan Bradbury, Monty Hooke, Jodie Cook, and Jason Graystone.

Guests from the world of sport include Sophie Hollis (football), Ian Macleod, Alan Keane and Pete Daines (basketball), Ben Gotting (rugby), and Mike Antoniades (running).

Community & Impact

One of our mantras is: how you do anything, is how you do everything. We're in the fortunate position to be able to help others through volunteering, financial support, and offering business and marketing expertise. Being able to have a positive impact on communities and individuals is really important to us; it's one of our T.E.R.M.S and as such we allocate time, effort and resource each week to focus on this. Here are a few current projects and clubs we're proud to be working with....

Yateley Silverbacks Basketball Club

I don't work Fridays is club sponsor of Yateley Silverbacks Basketball Club. Over the last 5 years, we've supported the club financially as well as marketing support to help significantly grow their senior and junior members and teams year on year. Jacki sits on the Club Committee.

Camberley Town Youth Football Club

I don't work Fridays is sponsor of Camberley Town Youth Football Club (CTYFC) Home Kit. With over 1,200 members and 70 teams, CTYFC is one of the biggest grassroots football clubs in the Surrey Heath Borough. The club is open to all interested players irrespective of ability, gender, race, or religion. As a community club, it's not run for profit so all of their coaches and committee members are volunteers, dedicated to helping children and young people play, learn, and enjoy the beautiful game.

Martin is an FA Level II Qualified Coach so he volunteers coaching the junior mixed and girls teams. He is also Kit Manager for the club where he has streamlined the process and saved the club thousands of £££s in his first season alone (you know how much we love a system!).

Sands: The Stillborn And Neonatal Death Society

In 2010, we tragically lost our first daughter, Louise, at birth. It was the loneliest and saddest of times, but we got through it, thanks to the AMAZING work Sands do. We will never forget this, and it’s why proceeds from every sale of our I don't work Fridays book, and all business referrals we get, go to Sands, and why we continue to help raise additional funds and spread awareness where we can.

To date we've raised nearly £20,000 for Sands.

Get In Touch

Advocate Business Services Limited

20-22 Wenlock Road, London N1 7GU UK

(T) 0203 603 1112



Monday - Thursday 9am-5pm

Fridays - we don't work ;)

22 Wenlock Rd, London N1 7TA, UK


How long is the Mentoring Program for?  

You can keep going as long as you need to, and we do ask that you initially commit for 6 months to ensure you get momentum from execution. Because this is a personalised mentorship experience, this is simple, easy and effective. The way all business growth should be. You’re getting one of the best (and possibly only) mentors who specialises in Fix, Build, Sell and can bring BIG business thinking to the SME world (again, very rare).

What’s the investment?  

In order to keep this easy for us, we decided that we wouldn’t use any type of salesperson nor tactics, allowing for simplicity and ease.   If you look at the value you’re having here, most programs cost between £2,000 to £3,500 per month that have the same level of value, without the experience that we bring to the table.  Today, you have the ability to invest for £500 (+ VAT) per month – this includes an Initial 1:1 Strategy Call with Martin Norbury, and a Weekly Group Call.   You can then choose to add on ANY of the following:

  • Monthly 1:1s with Martin Norbury (+ £500 per month) via Zoom or in London (1 hour).

  • Quarterly Board Meetings with Martin Norbury (+ £500 per month) either via Zoom or in London (3 hours).

  • Join our new Mastermind with Martin and a select group (+ £500 per month) to be held once a month in London (please note this will have limited membership).  

    Flexibility is the key here and you can pick and choose as many elements as you wish – they are not in any particular order.   So, for example, starting from the Basic Intro of £500, you can also have a Monthly 1:1, taking your total to £1,000 per month (+VAT).    Or you may wish to skip the monthlies and have a Quarterly Board Meeting, so this total again would be £1,000 per month (+VAT).   Should you wish to become part of the Mastermind, then this would simply be an extra £500 +VAT per month.